LPM: Next month's meeting

Joe Hourcle oneiros at dcr.net
Thu Jul 15 11:12:46 CDT 1999

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Rich Bowen wrote:

> There were several topics that I suggested for last month's meeting.
> Those topics were: Modules (finding, installing, using, and writing
> them.), CGI (Subtitle: Why I don't 'use CGI.pm'), NT System
> administration with Perl (Subtitle: Making NT usable) or Stupid Perl
> Tricks (Schwartzian transforms, Orcish stuff, memoizing, and other cool
> toys). I already did the NT one, and would be wiling to do one of the
> others, but would prefer if someone else took August, since I have about
> a zillion things going on between now and August 9th.

Well, if depends on just how 'beginner' you want to make it.
I'd be willing to leave a basic discussion onvarous debugging techniques
(and well, as 'there's more than one way to do it', I'm guessing that I
won't even come close to covering it all, but can atleast give some
insight on where to look for clues as to problems)

> On another topic, if we order pizza, how much should we charge each
> person? Would $4 or $5 cover it?

Well, it depends.  from my years of ordering pizza at gatherings, I've
very rarely seen more than $7/person spent with the tip, but then, that
was just for pizza, and we all hit various soda machines.  (which well, is
still cheaper than a restaurant)

Joe Hourcle
Digital Crescent, Inc.

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