[Jax.PM] [ADMIN POST] New member alert

Bill Jones spadesnihilist at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 15:39:29 CDT 2004

--- j proctor <jproctor at persons.marlboro.edu> wrote:

> [a jax.PM member posting]

You mean a Jax.Ghost member posting!  ;)

> survived the last 37 hurricanes.  Or however many it was.  They all
> run together after a while.

Um, I happen to like the winds (120+MPH), the surf (flowing into my
living room), and the Sun (baking us in 100+ humitidy afterward...)

> Welcome, Erinn.

Jay, too bad you're not around; Erinn runs the JaxLug now -- cracks the
whip to keep all the boys in-line...


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