I take it all back ...

Joel Meulenberg joelmeulenberg at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 00:11:37 CDT 2001

>  Check out Joel Spolsky's take on things ...
> http://www.joelonsoftware.com/stories/storyReader$133

You were right Matt - Microsoft's marketing machine is out of control
on .NET.  And I really like Joel Spolsky's ideas/rants (and not just
cuz of the shared moniker thing).  Thanks for the pointer. 

I especially enjoyed the response that Spolsky got from a Microsoft
insider working on Passport.  (Read it here:
http://www.joelonsoftware.com/stories/storyReader$137 )

Lately, I've really been appreciating the articles and exchanges at
www.dbdebunk.com ("Where database matters are set straight.").  Chris
Date, one of the main contributors at www.dbdebunk.com, has been
demonstrating for years how vendors keep screwing up the relational
model of data.  There's fundamental and important stuff that vendors
and everyone could/should be working on and thinking about, but
vendors/etc. keep rushing headlong into adding new features that they
think will generate revenue.  Evidently, "adherence to fundamentals" or
"based on a solid, coherent model" isn't something they feel they can

When I think about all the vacuous articles/information I get from most
of the trade media, I'm struck by the feeling that people like Joel
Spolsky and Chris Date are like muffled voices in a cacophony of
media/vendor trumpets. 

Thanks for taking the time to amplify some of the good stuff.


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