APM: installing modules on a virtual server

Sam Foster austin.pm at sam-i-am.com
Tue Sep 28 13:37:01 CDT 2004

(excuse the top posting.. I did trim a little honest)
I did some searching yesterday and came up with this:

I'm using bash.
	setenv PERL5LIB ~/perl
gives me the error that setenv is not available.

	export PERL5LIB=~/perl
gave me nothing.
I also tried
	perl -MCPAN -Mlib -e "unshift(@INC, '~/perl5lib');print join(\"\n\", 
@INC); shell;"

and this worked in that it printed out @INC and showed it to include 
~/perl5lib.. But when I went to cpan> test , it was still not picking up 
the dependancies even after I let it install them again.
E.g. to install File::Slurp, it runs tests which want Test::More. 
Test::More wants Test::Harness. Each time it spots the dependancy, 
installs the module, but the test still fails as it cant find it (in 
This is a trivial example, and I could probably make it skip those 
tests, but with others (e.g XML::LibXML) it becomes more of a hassle.

Which brings me back to setenv PERL5LIB.. still no word back from tech 
support on that one (they said they were getting a technician to look at 
it.. and there's me thinking I'd called technical support :)


Taylor Carpenter wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 11:00:23 -0500, "Sam Foster"
> <austin.pm at sam-i-am.com> said:
>>Apparently I should be able to do:
>>% setenv PERL5LIB ~/perl5lib
>>but setenv is also apparently not available.
> Did you try export PERL5LIB (after doing PERL5LIB=~/perl5lib)?  For bash
> you can do 
>    export PERL5LIB=~/perl5lib
> but for some shells you have to first set then export the variable. 
> Be sure to add
>    use lib '/path/to/my/perl5lib'; 
> to your scripts.
> For CPAN you want the following set when configuring CPAN
>    makepl_arg: PREFIX=~/perl5lib/
>    cpan_home: /path/to/my/perl5lib/ANY_NAME_YOU_WANT

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