[Za-pm] NewBe.

Jonathan McKeown jonathan at hst.org.za
Wed Jun 21 07:36:26 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 21 June 2006 11:55, you wrote:

> The Hardware is a Soekris NET4801, the current os is linux, what looks like
> a redhat derived, but this will be changed as to our os deverlopers
> requirements. The hardware has a i386 instruction set..
> The interface is currently web cgi based..
> The problem is when processing some of the pages it kills the cpu, I need
> to find away to optimise for this platform / cpu instuction set...

If it's only certain pages, it sounds more likely to be the program than perl 
itself. Is it always the same pages that create a problem? Do they create a 
problem every time they're called, or only sometimes?

I'm not familiar with the NET4801 but I'm assuming you can get a shell on it - 
ssh or something. In that case try running top(1) (if you've got it) and then 
hitting the problem pages from the web interface to see which process is 
pegging the CPU.

If it is perl or the CGI scripts, consider using Devel::DProf to profile the 
code and find the hotspots. If the code uses CGI.pm you can run it from the 
commandline for debugging. For documentation, use perldoc

perldoc CGI
perldoc Devel::DProf


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