[Za-pm] GetOpt::Long problem

Olivier, Wim W Wim.Olivier at standardbank.co.za
Thu Apr 21 02:26:00 PDT 2005

Hi guys,

Can anyone assist and see the problem I've got here please?

I used the method below (local @ARGV = @_;) to get the values of @_ into
@ARGV for the use of Getopt::Long.  It appears to be working fine like that.
I now have another problem with, it appears, syntax. The IF statement is
part of a block in the switch statement, but there is nothing wrong with the
switch statement itself, as there are many identical if statements there. If
I comment out this if statement, I don't get the error anymore.  An clues as
to the correct syntax???

I run the subroutine as follows:

if ($conf{'check_email'} =~ 'ON')
   { notify_email -r Wim.Olivier at standardbank.co.za -r
testuser at standardbank.co.za -s "Subject line" -b "Message body" };

But I get the following error when it executes:

Bad switch statement (problem in the code block?)

Please see the code below:


# Notify recipients via SMTP (email)
# Usage: notify_email -r user1 at a.com -r user2 at b.com -s "Subject line" -b
"Message body"
sub notify_email {
  local @ARGV = @_;   # Get the sub's params into the master param array for
  $ENV{"NTsendmail"}  = $conf{'smtp'};
  $sender             = $conf{'smtpsender'};

  my @recipients;
  my @subject;
  my $body;
  GetOptions ("r=s"  => \@recipients,      # -r user1 at a.com -r user2 at b.com
-r user3 at c.com
              "s=s"  => $subject,          # -s "This is the subject
              "b=s"  => $body);            # -b "This is the message
  #@recipients = split(/,/,join(',', at recipients));
  #$subject    = join(" ", @subject);
  #$body       = join(" ", @body);

  foreach $recipient (@recipients) {
    print "$sender, $recipient, $subject, $body\n";
    $mail = new NTsendmail;
    $mail->send($sender, $recipient, $subject, $body);



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