[Za-pm] apache, cgi-bin, mdk9.1

Nick Cleaton nick at cleaton.net
Mon Jun 9 02:51:28 CDT 2003

On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 06:48:20PM +0200, Steve Cox - dig wrote:
> I am running mdk9.1 with apache2, php, perl. Everything was working fine. I 
> wanted to add other websites to dev on locally mainly, and went for the 
> userdir option. I used that wiz in mandrake and things seemed to work okay. I 
> have got my different websites, php works, and perl is running if I call the 
> test.pl script from the cgi-bin. My problem. I have a perl script to search a 
> csv file, and return the output to a html template and it worked b4 my 
> change. It doesnt work now. My script keeps saying it cant open the csv file, 
> which happens to be in the cgi-bin as well, at the same level at the script. 
> I have been through the permissions over and over they seem fine. The csv 
> file is fine. I have tried to call the csv file from the browser directly and 
> I get an internal config error. I have tried with the csv file in the normal 
> html page dir and I can call it fine. Put that in my .pl script, no go, still 
> get that it cant open the .csv file. I have butchered my apache .conf files, 
> and I just cant see what I need to change. If anyone has some advice or is 
> will ing to look at my .conf files, please let me know.

Try putting the full path to the csv file into the script, so instead
of something like:

  open CSV, "<file.csv" or die "open: $!";

you have something like:

  open CSV, "</usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/file.csv" or die "open: $!";

If that doesn't help please post the exact error message you get
when it fails to open the file.


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