[Za-pm] passing HoH refs to a sub

Oskar Pearson oskar at qualica.com
Tue Jul 8 06:56:46 CDT 2003


Hope this helps.

There are various syntaxes that work, but I generally
use something like this:


my %hash;
$hash{first1}{second1} = 'hello';
$hash{first2}{second2} = 'world';
$hash{first3}{second3} = 1;

hash_display (\%hash);

sub hash_display {
        my $hash = shift;

        foreach my $key (keys %{ $hash }) {
                foreach my $subkey (keys %{ $$hash{$key} }) {
                        print "key $key, subkey $subkey, " . $$hash{$key}{$subkey} . "\n";

:~$ perl t.pl
key first1, subkey second1, hello
key first2, subkey second2, world
key first3, subkey second3, 1

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