[yapc] Bought my plane tickets too early ...

Krishna Sethuraman krishnoid+yapc+rat at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 13:24:56 PDT 2010

I bought my plane tickets early to try to get a good deal, arriving
Sat morning and leaving Fri afternoon ... and it turns out dorm rooms
are only available Sun night through Thu morning.  Staying at the
hotel will increase the total cost of the travel/accommodation for me
by about 50%.

Any locals feel like taking pity on someone who wanted to not
procrastinate for once in his life, and put me up for a couple nights
at the beginning and end of the conference?  I'd be willing to come to
a reasonable financial agreement for a place to land and take off
from.  I plan on renting a car, and would be willing to provide use of
it for those days, especially if the organizers could use some help in
setting up -- I just really don't want to stay at a hotel, and I'm
very low maintenance.


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