[yapc] Syntax highlighting for presentations

Chris Fedde chris at fedde.littleton.co.us
Thu Jul 6 20:06:38 PDT 2006

On Thu, 6 Jul 2006 17:53:28 -0700 (PDT)  Trey Harris wrote:
 | I noticed a lot of folks had pretty syntax-highlighted/colored code in 
 | their presentations.  I've done that too, but I'll bet my process 
 | (perltidy to HTML, HTML to PDF, dropped and zoomed/cropped into the slide) 
 | is a lot more laborious than what others have worked out.
 | If I may ask, does anyone have nice tools for converting a snippet of code 
 | into a pretty graphic?  I use Keynote, but I could probably adapt certain 
 | tools that target other presenters.

that's the other thing perl is for.  Automating such processes.

    Chris Fedde

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