[WindyCity-pm] installing the same module twice

Whitney Jackson whjackson at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 10:36:33 PST 2009

It turns out there are two ways (at least) to build DBD::Sybase:

1) Against FreeTDS Libraries
2) Against Sybase Open Client Libraries

When you choose option 1 you can talk to MSSQL as well as Sybase.
This works b/c both DBs use the TDS protocol.

With option 2 you can only talk to Sybase DBs but you have the ability
to use additional features like bulk writes not supported with

My problem is that I need the benefits of both.  When I use DBI to
connect to a Sybase DB I want the module built against the Sybase Open
Client libraries.  On the other hand, a DBI connect against a MSSQL DB
should use the DBD::Sybase built against FreeTDS.

Does anyone know a clean way to install DBD::Sybase twice and have the
right one to load when I do a DBI connect?


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