[WindyCity-pm] Trapping data from the a serial port.

Richard Reina richard at rushlogistics.com
Fri Dec 21 08:04:24 PST 2007

Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us> wrote: 
   something > "filename.$(date +%s)"


Thank you very much for your reply.  This does give the incoming data a new file name.  However, It puts evryting into one file.  That is if if on the sending end I do:
$: cat filename > /dev/ttyS0 
and then:
$: cat filename2 > /dev/ttyS0

boths files' contents end up in one file on the receivinging end, instead of two seperate files as I intend.  I've played around and googled to try to find a way to make each a file to file transfer this way but am running out of ideas although I think I am very close.    

Thank you very much for the replies thus far.  If anyone else has any ideas how I can do this your input would be GREATLY appreciated.


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