[Wellington-pm] Thank you everyone!

Donovan Jones don at gamma.net.nz
Tue Feb 9 13:20:53 PST 2016

Thanks Grant

No slides form me but here are a few links for things mentioned in my "talk":


awesome tool for filtering json on the command line


a jq like utility for filtering html on the command line using css selectors


List of useful cloud modules that shows how ansible is about more than
just configuring things that you can SSH to.


A blog post by Michael DeHaan (the original Ansible author)  about how
Ansible is more and a configuration management tool, pretty much what
my talk was about.

On the subject of "just use grep" for html parsing. I am not entirely
serious, I have done plenty of not using grep with perl and python
using xpath or css selectors. My point it more that when you are
scraping you are at the mercy of whoever produced the html you are
interested in. This means that A, 90% of the time the semantic markup
is shit so you can never target the actual thing you are after and
have to target something else and then traverse the dom and B, the dom
can change at any time. Even when you use the best tools (xpath or css
selectors) your code will be brittle.



On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:01 PM, Grant McLean <grant at mclean.net.nz> wrote:
> I thought tonight was a fun evening and I was especially pleased that a
> few extra talks materialised at the last minute.  So thanks to everyone
> for coming along and participating.
> If you did a talk and had slides that you want to share then please
> email them to me.
> The next meeting is a mere 4 weeks away on March 8th - let's hear from
> speakers or people with suggestions for topics.
> Regards
> Grant
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