[Wellington-pm] Creating an array of objects

Cliff Pratt enkidu at cliffp.com
Sat Mar 11 14:06:52 PST 2006

Jacinta Richardson wrote:
> Cliff Pratt wrote:
>>I basically want to create an array of objects or object refs, so can I do :
>>my @foo;
>>$foo[0] = MyPackage->new('tut') ;
>>$foo[1] = MyPackage->new('ankh') ;
>>$foo[2] = MyPackage->new('amun') ;
>>Obviously this could be done using a loop, but what if I needed an array
>>of a hundred of them? Is there a clever way to instantiate a hundred
>>objects of a particular class?
> my @foo;
> foreach my $name (qw/tut ankh amun/) {
> 	push @foo, MyPackage->new($name);
> }
> or
> my @setup = (
> 	{
> 		name => "tut",
> 		... => ...,
> 	},
> 	{
> 		name => "ankh",
> 		... => ...,
> 	},
> 	{
> 		name => "amun",
> 		... => ...,
> 	},
> );  # data probably generated in some useful form elsewhere.
> my @foo;
> foreach my $details (@setup) {
> 	push @foo, MyPackage->new(%$details);  # assuming named parameters
> }
> If you need an array of 100, or 50, or even 4, this is as good a method as any.
Thanks all, this is for a gameboard situation where the array, is the 
array of cells on the gameboard. Like a calculator app has lots of 
button objects, the gameboard has a lot of cell objects which I plan to 
hold references to in an array. Grant says that the constructor returns 
a reference, and that makes it easier.

I might just build the array on the fly, when needed.

Thanks again everyone. I'm off to read 'perltoot' again to see if it now 
makes more sense to me!





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