[Wellington-pm] SEND + MORE = MONEY

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Tue Mar 1 17:24:37 PST 2005

Grant McLean wrote:

>   SEND
>  +MORE
>  =====

I've got a longer, quicker, but guarantee-free solution below.  It uses 
a simple darwinian approach (betterment through iterative selection and 

It's an interesting problem where the human approach, combining 
heuristics and baffled staring, doesn't translate into perl very well at 


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $message = 'SEND + MORE = MONEY';
my $POOL = 100;
my $CUTOFF = 50;
my $ITERATIONS = 500;
my $INF = 1e999;

my @letters = keys %{{ map { $_ => 1} ($message =~ /([A-Z])/g)}};
my $letters = join('', @letters);
my $len  = @letters;

my $equation = $message;
$equation =~ s/=/-/;

my %candidates;

foreach (1..$POOL){
     my %attempt;
     my $nums = [0..9];
     # shuffle...
     for (my $i = 10; -- $i;) {
         my $r = int rand ($i + 1);
         ($nums -> [$i], $nums -> [$r]) = ($nums -> [$r], $nums -> [$i]);
     # and truncate
     my $digits = substr(join('', @$nums), 0, $len);
     $candidates{$digits} = $INF;

foreach my $i (1..$ITERATIONS){
     my ($digits, $score);
     foreach $digits (keys %candidates) {
         $_ = $equation;
         eval "tr/$letters/$digits/";
         next if(/\b0/);
         my $score = abs int(eval $_);
         if ($score == 0){
             print "$_\n$message\n$letters\n$digits\n";
             print "took $i iterations\n";
         $candidates{$digits} = $score;

     my @scores = sort {$a <=> $b} (values(%candidates));

     my $cutoff = $scores[$CUTOFF];
     # print "iteration $i\nbest is $scores[0]\n cutoff is $cutoff\n";

     my %new_candidates;
     while (($digits, $score) = each %candidates) {
         next if ($score > $cutoff);
         $new_candidates{$digits} = $score;
         my $pos = int(rand($len));
         my $new_n = int(rand(10));
         my $old_n = substr($digits, $pos,1);
         $digits =~ s/$old_n/x/;
         $digits =~ s/$new_n/$old_n/;
         $digits =~ s/x/$new_n/;
         $new_candidates{$digits} = $INF;
         last if (keys(%new_candidates) > $POOL);
     %candidates = %new_candidates;

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