[VPM] follow-up to my Feb 3 talk

Darren Duncan darren at darrenduncan.net
Thu Feb 5 18:08:40 PST 2009


As a follow-up to my talk on tuesday and inspired by some feedback I got from 
you who were there, I have just written a new documentation section for 
Set::Relation (in POD) a copy of which appears below.

It should be read as having been inserted at 
http://search.cpan.org/dist/Set-Relation/lib/Set/Relation.pm below "DESCRIPTION" 
and above "Matters of Value Identity".

If you have any further feedback along the lines of trying to understand what 
the purpose of Set::Relation is, let me know what changes you think I should 
make, or if I mentioned yesterday a good use example that I forgot to say below.

Thank you. -- Darren Duncan


=head2 Appropriate Uses For Set::Relation

Set::Relation I<is> intended to be used in production environments.  It has
been developed according to a rigorously thought out API and behaviour
specification, and it should be easy to learn, to install and use, and to
extend.  It is expected to be maintained and supported by the original
author over the long term, either standalone or by the author providing an
effective migration path to a suitable replacement.

At the same time, the primary design goal of Set::Relation is to be simple.

Set::Relation focuses on providing all the operators of the relational
model of data to Perl developers in as concise a manner as is possible
while focusing on correctness of behaviour above all else, and also
focusing on ease of understanding and maintainability, since generally a
developer's time is the most valuable resource for us to conserve.

Despite initial design efforts to help Set::Relation's execution (CPU, RAM,
etc) performance, this module is still assumed to be very un-optimized for
its conceptually low level task of data crunching.  It generally applies
the same internal representation and algorithms regardless of the actual
structure or meaning of the data, and regardless of the amount of data.  It
generically applies certain up-front costs in the form of data hashing that
should both speed up later operations and simplify the implementation code
of most operations, but any actual performance benefit depends a lot on
actual use, and it may even have a net loss of execution performance.

This module is still assumed to be considerably, perhaps an order or three
of magnitude, slower than a hand-rolled task-specific solution.  If your
primary concern is execution performance, you will most likely not want to
use Set::Relation but rather hand-code what it does specifically for your
task with your specific data, or alternately employ some other dependency
to do the work for you (or even, if necessary, write the task in C).

Set::Relation is best used in situations where you either want to just get
some correct solution up and working quickly (conserving developer time),
such as because it is a prototype or proof of concept, or where your data
set is relatively small (so Set::Relation's overhead cost is less
noticeable), or where your task is one that is less time sensitive like a
batch process where a longer execution time isn't harmful.

Some specific suggested uses for Set::Relation are:


=item Flat File Processing

Use it to simplify some kinds of batch processing data from flat files such
as CSV text files; a Set::Relation object can be used to store the content
of one source file, and then the relational operators can be used to easily
join or filter the file contents against each other, and eventually reports
or other results be produced.

=item SQL Generation

Use it when gathering and pre-processing data that needs to end up in a SQL
database for longer term use.  If you generate your INSERT SQL from
Set::Relation objects then those objects can help you do it all in a batch
up front, and Set::Relation can help you test for duplicates or various
kinds of dirty data that might violate database constraints.  So it is less
likely that you would need to connect to your SQL database interactively to
test your data against it before insertion, and it is more likely you can
just talk to it once when your single batch of SQL INSERTs is ready to go.

=item Database APIs

Various DBMS wrappers, ORMs, persistence tools, etc can use Set::Relation
objects internally or as part of their API to represent database row sets.
Wrappers that like to do some database-like work internally, such as
associating parent and child row sets, or testing key constraints, or
various other tasks can use Set::Relation to do some of their work for
them, making development and maintenance of said tools easier.  Note that
in general this would fall under the "small data set" use category since a
large number of applications, particularly web apps, just access or display
from one to a hundred rows at a time.

=item Testing

Since it represents row-sets and provides all the relational operators,
with a focus on correctness, Set::Relation should be useful in helping to
test all sorts of other code intended to work with databases, particularly
code that is a wrapper for a database, as a basis for comparison to whether
the other code is having correct behaviour or not.  For example, it could
help test that code which generates and runs SQL is producing the correct
results with various inputs and scenarios.

=item Teaching

Set::Relation should be helpful in teaching the relational model to people,
helping them to know what is really going on conceptually with different
operations, without being distracted by a lot of ancillary matters, and
without being distracted by limitations of various DBMSs that may not
expose the whole relational model or may do it incorrectly.  It provides
something students can experiment with right now.

=item General List or Set Operations

Set::Relation is complementary to the things you do with Perl's built-in
Array and Hash types, including 'map' and 'grep' operations.  It is useful
when you want to do miscellaneous combining or filtering of lists of data
against other lists, particularly multi-dimensional ones, or helping in
summarizing lists of data for reports.  Maybe helping with some tasks that
are easier in Perl 6 than in Perl 5, when you're using Perl 5.


Of course, like any generic tool, Set::Relation should be widely applicable
in many different situations.

Now, another situation where you may not want to use Set::Relation is when
its sibling project L<Muldis Rosetta|Muldis::Rosetta> would serve you
better.  In contrast to Set::Relation, which is standalone and intended to
integrate closely with Perl, Muldis Rosetta implements a whole programming
language distinct from Perl, L<Muldis D|Muldis::D>, and presents a superior
environment at large for working with the relational model of data; you use
it sort of like how you use L<DBI> to talk to a SQL DBMS, as a separate
thing walled off from Perl.  The benefits of using Muldis Rosetta over
Set::Relation are multiple, including much better performance and
scalability, and that it can directly persist data as you'd expect a DBMS
to do, as well as provide easy access to many other relational model
features like stronger typing and arbitrary database constraints, and
nested transactions, as well as access to full powered DBMS engines like
PostgreSQL and Oracle and SQLite (though you don't have to use those and
Muldis Rosetta can be used purely implemented in Perl).

I<That all said, Set::Relation is actually implemented and works today,
while Muldis Rosetta is still under construction and you can't use it yet.>

That brings out another important reason why Set::Relation exists now; it
also serves as a proof of concept for a main part of Muldis D and Muldis
Rosetta, or for a so-called "truly relational DBMSs" in general.  It
demonstrates ideal features and behaviour for relational operators, in a
functioning form that users can experiment with right now.  Set::Relation
is also meant to serve as inspiration for similar projects, and better
illustrate features that would be nice for modern programming languages to
have built-in, same as they have collection types like ordered and
associative arrays and one-dimensional sets and bags built-in.  It I<is>
reasonable for standard equipment to not just be plain set operators but
the other relational model operators too, such as relational join.

I<Note:  Assistance is appreciated in making Set::Relation perform better,
such that some of its present-day caveats can disappear, keeping in mind
its general design goals.  But generally first we will need to have a
complete test suite to confirm correct behaviour, and correct any
outstanding API issues, and preferably also a benchmark suite.  That way,
when the likely extensive changes are made for performance, we can actually
measure their effect and know we didn't break the behaviour.  Also if the
behaviour/API is nailed first, then new benchmarks we make along the way
will be backwards compatible with previous baseline versions.  But keep in
mind that only some kinds of improvements are suitable; some others may be
inordinately complex and may better be relegated to Muldis Rosetta or other
overlapping solutions instead; the distinction can be discussed
case-by-case as solutions are proposed.>

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