[VPM] Victoria.pm Meeting?

Peter Scott Peter at PSDT.com
Thu Sep 27 18:26:54 PDT 2007

At 04:11 PM 9/27/2007, mock wrote:
>On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 01:01:56PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
> > At 11:29 PM +0000 9/26/07, mock wrote:
> > >I can do either a talk on scalable data collection, or finding 
> vulnerabilities
> > >in perl programs, whichever suits people's fancy.
> >
> > Unless you have a lot of those (and you probably do), you would be
> > best to do the security one when Peter is around, since he missed
> > your last one to RCSS.
> >
>Whichever has the most votes I'll do.

Vote: Vulnerabilities.

> > >I'm good pretty much anytime that isn't a weekend, it seems a bit silly to
> > >insist on the third tuesday if you're not going to be there ;)  The second
> > >tuesday seems like it could work, if folks are generally agreeable.
> >
> > I'm fine with that personally.  It would likely conflict with VLUG,
> > since that's their regular date, though I suspect this may not be a
> > problem to many.
>While this may seem like heresy, I'm pretty sure it's possible to do a tech
>group meeting on a day that isn't a tuesday ;).  (what is it with victoria
>geeks and tuesday anyway?)

It is the least interesting day of the week ;-) and therefore least 
likely to suffer conflicts.  So everyone picks it.

The founder of SPUG, probably the first PM, said that possibly the most 
critical factor in growth was sticking to a regular schedule, which is 
what I've done.  It hasn't led to growth, but maybe things would have 
been worse without it.  I'd sooner wait until November 20, 
frankly.  Also, we advertise this schedule on the web site, not that 
that can't be changed, but it constitutes some kind of outreach.

We should use the time in between to build up membership: we need 
people trolling the uVic frosh the way Abram and Clarke did.  Any 
uVicars who know how to do that?

Just arrived via Fedex from aPress for Victoria.pm: a dozen each copies 
of their fall catalog and open source development roadmap; and three 
issues of Linux Pro magazine, each of which claims "DVD inside" but 
there isn't.  Will bring to next meeting for raffle and give to loser.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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