Fwd: Perlish Quote

Peter Scott Peter at PSDT.com
Sat Feb 22 11:40:31 CST 2003

A friend just sent this to me.  Great laugh.

>ImageMagick is convenient but typing 300 commands like the above for 
>each PhotoCD would get tedious. You know that an MIT woman really 
>loves you when she offers to spare you the horrors of writing Perl. 
>Just grab http://photo.net/wtr/thebook/pcd-to-jpg-and-fpx.txt if you 
>want to use the Perl script that my girlfriend wrote as an expression 
>of her love for me. Of course, no romance is one sunny Perl-filled day 
>after another. When she delivered the code, I complained about the 
>lack of data abstraction and told her that she needed to reread 
>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Abelson and 
>Sussman; MIT Press 1997), the textbook for freshman computer science 
>at MIT. I also asked her to rename helper procedures that returned 
>Boolean values with "_p" ("predicate") suffixes. She replied "People 
>will laugh at you for being an old Lisp programmer clinging 
>pathetically to the 1960s" and then dumped me.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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