
Peter Scott Peter at
Mon Feb 3 15:28:38 CST 2003

At 12:58 PM 2/3/03 -0800, nkuipers wrote:
>I played around in recursion a bit, wanting to get the practice but 
>also to do
>something useful.  So I framed it to myself as an exercise.  This was 
>my first
>sub makeDNA {
>         my $n = shift;
>         my @alphabet = qw( A C G T);
>         if ($lengthRemaining == 0)
>         {
>                 return;
>         }
>         print $alphabet[int(rand(4))];
>         makeDNA($n - 1);
>print "\n";
>This could develop into a small host of other recursive, random
>functionalities useful for bioinformatics, such as taking a sequence and
>randomly mutating n residues.  I will be incorporating above subroutine and
>possibly others in my BIO::Basic module.

Well, hold on a second... fun as recursion may be, it is not a 
panacea.  It is only optimal in the cases where you really do find 
yourself wanting to call the same function from within itself.  I 
suggest familiarizing yourself with a number of classic uses of 
recursion before deciding to use it.  Look for: The Tower of Hanoi, 
Ackerman's function, and anything to do with parsing a stream which may 
be lexically recursive in some fashion.

I'd write yon function above as

sub makeDNA
   join '' => map +(qw(A C G T))[rand 4] => 1 .. shift;

In general, don't print from inside utility functions.  Return strings 
instead so you can either print them or decide to do something else 
with them (e.g., run them through tests).

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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