
Nicholas Clark nick at ccl4.org
Wed Jun 20 17:07:43 CDT 2001

On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 09:27:01AM +0100, Chris Neale wrote:
> Morning,
> Quick intro type email thing. My names Chris, I've been doing Perl for a while, and I live in Sunderland. (Sounds like an AA meeting..). I work in Newcastle doing all things Microsoft, but please, don't hold that against me.

No, this list isn't dead, but it seems to be rather dormant.
[and as I'm no longer in Newcastle I don't check it that often]

I'm Nick, I live in London (again) now, which is very inconvenient for

> PS Quick techie question (its obligatory on these sorts of lists).. Is there *any* way to get a non-blocking socket using Win32/ActiveState Perl? fnctl()'s O_NONBLOCK, and F_NDELAY things haven't been implemented, I'm at a loss with ioctl() and I can't find a jot of documentation about setsocketopt() (or whatever its called..). Help? (The obvious answer of 'Don't use Win32' would be good, but I want cross platform. Don't mind having two versions, but it needs to work.)

I'm sorry - I really don't know, as I don't use Win32.


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