[tpm] Wrap-up from our April meeting

Alex Beamish talexb at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 17:46:17 PDT 2021

Hi All,

Thanks again to Olaf Alders for giving a talk this month about fzf, the
fuzzy finder utility that integrates into the command line, and also into
vim. This tool looks really fascinating -- during the demo he also showed
off the bat utility (bat = cat with wings) which looked pretty handy as

After that presentation was over, Olaf went on to show us a little about
perlimports (available on CPAN via https://metacpan.org/pod/App::perlimports)
that reduces module exports to the minimum required -- this looks like a
really handy tool for anyone who is maintaining legacy code.

There were a couple of announcements at the end of our meeting .. I'm
repeating them here in case you weren't there:

- Jim Keenan is the lead maintainer of Devel::NYTProf, and would be happy
to hear from any developer who uses this module regularly to assist him
with testing the latest versions of the module. You can reach Jim at
jkeenan at pobox.com.

- Scott Sullivan of GTALUG (the Linux User's Group) is looking for speakers
at their monthly meeting (second Tuesday of the month); you can reach him
at scott at revident.net.

- Sergio Sousa announced that Walmart is looking for Perl/NodeJS/ReactJS
developers for six month contracts. You can reach Sergio at sergio at serso.com.
(Small world story: I worked with Dan Parkes on contract at Manulife a few
years back, and he left to go to Walmart. I met Sergio about a year later,
and he eventually landed at Walmart -- two Perl guys at Walmart -- maybe
they know each other? Yes, apparently they do.)

Finally -- although my Google Meet account didn't allow me to record Olaf's
presentation, it sounds like Sergio figured out a way to capture the
evening anyway. I'll add that video to the Toronto Perlmongers account and
let you know when that's available. Scott Sullican has passed along some
good information on this topic (Thanks Scott!), and I'll figure out a
better virtual venue for our meeting in May (the date's May 27, and it is
already correctly set up on meetup.com).

See you next month! Cheers.

Alex Beamish

Software Developer / https://ca.linkedin.com/in/alex-beamish-5111ba3
Speaker Wrangler / Toronto Perlmongers / http://to.pm.org/
Chair, Sponsorship Committee, TPF / https://www.perlfoundation.org/
Baritone, Operations Manager / Toronto Northern Lights, 2013 Champions /
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