[tpm] Call for talks

Olaf Alders olaf.alders at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 14:10:19 PST 2016

Hi Everyone,

Let's get some talks lined up for the first half of 2016.  I'd like to see us mostly booked for the first 6 months.  That allows us to post the meetups well in advance, which makes for the best attendance.

I may still reach out to some of you personally, but this is my public plea for participation.  If you've never given a talk, this is a great time to start.  It's a very friendly (read: not hostile) environment and we're interested in lots of things, not necessarily just Perl.  Hardware hacks, 3d printing, the latest JS goodies -- all of those are fair game and we're not limited to those topics either.  You can speak for the amount of time that suits you.  I'd like to plan for at least two speakers per evening.  If you have already presented, then let's hear from you again.  If you know of a good speaker who is not already attending our meetings, feel free to encourage them to speak as well.  You can also present remotely, via Google Hangout.

Talk proposals can come via the list or by email to me and dave.s.doyle at gmail.com

I look forward to seeing what we can line up for the first half of this year.


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