[tpm] Another Minion follow-up

Olaf Alders olaf.alders at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 15:22:56 PDT 2016

Alex had asked last night if Highcharts can handle a logarithmic axis and it turns out that it can: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/line-log-axis

Thanks very much for that suggestion.  I'll be giving it a spin. :)

Joel Berger watched the presentation and answered the following for me:

Alex had asked whether the backoff setting could handle arbitrary logic.  Turns out you can supply it with an anonymous sub: https://metacpan.org/pod/Minion#backoff

Dave, you had asked about rate limiting in Minion.  There's nothing properly built in to handle this.  You could possibly cobble something together that would do this, but adding a delay to inactive jobs and possibly by failing active jobs and adding a delay once rate limiting has come into play.

There was a question about how long jobs stay in the queue after they are finished.  The default is 2 days, but it is configurable. http://mojolicious.org/perldoc/Minion/#remove_after


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