[tpm] Greedy regex question

arocker at vex.net arocker at vex.net
Sat Mar 1 12:20:02 PST 2008

> arocker at vex.net wrote:
>> Could you post some examples of what you are trying to transform?
> Here is some sample data. I split on the '=', and am processing the
> right hand side.
> Thanks!!
> Madi
>    block.minor = 0  (0x0)  (int)
>    volume.label = 'CentOS_5.1_Final'  (string)
>    volume.disc.has_data = true  (bool)
>    volume.ignore = false  (bool)
>    org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_names = { 'Mount',
> 'Unmount', 'Eject' } (string list)
>    info.capabilities = { 'volume.disc', 'volume', 'block' } (string list)
>    volume.is_partition = false  (bool)
>    volume.disc.capacity = 3845259264  (0xe5320000)  (uint64)
>    volume.mount_point = '/media/cdrom0'  (string)

So you want to drop the parenthesised string at the end of the line?
Is there any likelihood of nested parentheses in it?
E.g. (short (ugly) int)

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