SPUG: Django equivalent for Perl?

Mike Schuh schuh at farmdale.com
Wed Oct 5 14:06:38 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

At my current day job the house language is the-other-one-that-starts-
with-P-but-isn't-Perl and lately I have begun to learn Django.  It's pretty
cool (so far, anyway).

Nearly all of my non-day jobs use Perl, and a few of them could make good
use of a Django-like tool.  Are any of using (or have used) such a
Perl-based (or at least Perl-friendly) framework and what were your
experiences with it?  Recommendations?  Suggestions?

I've worked with Gantry in the past and found it to be more complex than I
think it needs to be.


Mike Schuh, Seattle USA

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