SPUG: range operator

Florentin florentin_ at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 30 00:21:40 PDT 2007

Indeed I mixed returned boolean with <$.> but original explanation from
Jacinta, pointed that adding one to false is true.  David Dyck solution
is elegant - originally I sliced @section like @section[1..(@section-1)].

while ( defined( ( my $x = <ARGV> ) ) ) {
    if ( my $t = ( ( $x =~ /$start/ ) .. ( $x =~ /$end/ ) ) ) {
        chomp $x;
        if ( $t > 1 and $t !~ /E0$/ ) {
            push @section, $x;

    if ( $x =~ m/$end/ ) {
        @section = ();

Michael R. Wolf wrote:
> Having understood what the range operator (I like to call it a flip-flop in
> these situations) does, is your question-behind-the-question answered?  
> That is, did you get done what you need to do?
> It looks like you're trying to mix the match operator (on $_) with the
> flip-scalar flip-flop behavior (on $. (aka $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER)).  If that's
> what you need, it seems like your need is still unmet.

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