SPUG: Slice of HashOfHash

Jacinta Richardson jarich at perltraining.com.au
Fri Nov 17 17:03:13 PST 2006

Forgot something!

> # ---------- ---------- ----------
> # loop through different hash has 
> # that has names to look up in big HoH
> # ---------- ---------- ----------
> for my $name ( sort keys %names )
> {
>     $name = lc ( trim ( $name ) );
>     print "\n\t\t$name \n";
>         # ---------- ---------- ----------
>         # Get a subset of all our data based on the name
>         # ---------- ---------- ----------
>         %subHoH = (); # start empty
>         while ( my ( $key, $obj ) = each %HoH ) 
>         {
>             $subHoH{$key} = $obj if ( $obj->{'name '} && 
>                                       $obj->{'name '} eq $name );
>         }

Here you build a hash.  Since you then turn that into a list of keys and treat 
it like an array maybe it would be better just to build a list anyway:

	my @subAoH;
	while( my $key, $obj ) = each %HoH )
		push @subAoH = $obj if ...

>         print Dumper ( \%subHoH ) if DEBUG2;
>         # ---------- ---------- ----------
>         # print out sorted by level and id for only this name
>         # ---------- ---------- ----------
>          foreach my $me ( sort { $subHoH{$a}->{'level'} <=>
> $subHoH{$b}->{'level'} ||
>                                  $subHoH{$a}->{'id'}    <=>
> $subHoH{$b}->{'id'}
>                                } keys %subHoH )

Now we don't need to get the keys out, so this becomes:

	foreach my $me ( sort {    $a->{level} <=> $b->{level}
                                 || $a->{id   } <=> $b->{id   }
                               } @subAoH )

		if( $me->{level} == 0 )
			print_parent( $me->{id} ) if $me->{id} > 0;

It helps simplify the code.  :)  (Untested, please verify.)

All the best,


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