SPUG: Amazon wishlists

Jeremy Mates jmates at sial.org
Tue Nov 7 21:37:22 PST 2006

* John Costello <cos at indeterminate.net>
> Why would I program this? For one, I found someone's list of things
> they want on their non-AMZN page. I'd rather create a form that
> scrapes their page, lists each one with a check box, and then updates
> my wishlist with my selections.

Present a form to a browser (or grant WWW::Mechanize login rights to
Amazon somehow, and POST the form data, following redirects):

<form method="POST" 
<input type="hidden" name="asin.$ASIN" value="1">
<input type="submit" name="submit.add-to-registry.wishlist"
  value="Add to Amazon.com Wish List">

Shamelessly lifted from Amazon Hacks, p.150:


> I don't see a link on Amazon's site to APIs, but perhaps I'm not
> looking in the right spot.

The XML REST/SOAP interface documentation lives at:


Which quotes: "Currently, it is not possible to add items to a list
using ECS. Use an Amazon web site to add items to a list."


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