SPUG: Spug-wiki trashed again

Tim Maher tim at consultix-inc.com
Sun Oct 9 09:42:33 PDT 2005


The SPUG-wiki's pages have been trashed yet again, this morning.

The interval between page updates was about 15 seconds, which is
pretty hard for a human being to achieve. This suggests to me
that it might be possible to prevent this kind of wholesale page-
trashing by simply monitoring the rapidity of change submissions
coming in from a particular IP address, and disallowing any
further changes until a certain period of time has elapsed.

On the other hand, that same 15 second page-submitting delay is
/huge/ by mechanical standards, suggesting to me that the wiki-trashing-
bot is already artificially slowing down its activities, to
avoid raising suspicions. If true, all that the bad guys would
have to do is change $SECONDS_OF_DELAY from 15 to a suitable
higher number.

There's got to be a better way to maintain a Wiki than to have
a guy monitoring it 24x7 and manually restoring earlier
archived pages.

Any ideas?

| Tim Maher, PhD     (206) 781-UNIX      (866) DOC-PERL     (866) DOC-UNIX |
| tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  http://TeachMePerl.Com  http://TeachMeUnix.Com |
| CLASSES: Perl and CGI Programming, 11/14-18    UNIX Fundamentals: 12/6-9 |
|     Watch for my upcoming book: "Minimal Perl for UNIX/Linux People"     |
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