SPUG: regular expression question

John W. Krahn krahnj at telus.net
Tue Nov 15 05:46:34 PST 2005

Ryan T. Kosai wrote:
> Here's an alternative regex that does what I think you might actually want:
> #This one catches escaped # signs
> #  Briefly, Capture anything other than a #, OR capture a # if there's
> #  a \ behind it

Did you mean behind it like #\ or in front of it like \#?

> $line =~ /^(([^#]|(?:(?<=\\)[#]))*)/;

It looks like you have one too many sets of capturing parentheses, perhaps you
meant something like this:

$line =~ /^((?:[^#]|(?<=\\)#)*)/;

And of course the question is moot if the OP is using this on perl code as the
# character may not involve a comment, for example:

my @array = qw# one two three #;

my $string = sprintf '%#x  %#x', 1234, 5678;

use Perl;

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