SPUG: Stas Bekman visiting Seattle in August

Andrew Sweger andrew at sweger.net
Thu Apr 21 14:29:38 PDT 2005

I've been talking to Stas Bekman (ya know, the mod_perl dude) about
visiting Seattle in early August (after OSCON) to give a mod_perl
presentation. He is very interested in meeting with local users groups. He
is also interested in getting a chance to explore the area and enjoys
hiking. Send specific topic requests to me (off-list) so I can compile a
list for him.

If your company is interested in helping to cover his expenses while
visiting, please put me in touch with the appropriate people to make this
happen. There may also be an opportunity for Stas to meet with your
engineers at your company. 

Feel free to forward this on to other regional user groups you feel may be
interested (please Cc: me).

	In Perlocity,

	Andrew B. Sweger
	President, Seattle Perl Users Group

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