SPUG: party follow up

Tim Maher tim at consultix-inc.com
Sat Mar 6 22:58:01 CST 2004


Thanks to all, especially our always willing party host Colin
Meyer, for the nice gathering last night. I was quite surprised
and pleased at the most welcome gifts of an engraved beer
stein and beer-of-the-month club subscription, and am still
agog with wonder at how the secret of my fondness for fine
ales somehow leaked out! 9-}.

But the best gift of all has been to get to know such a great
group of local people, and to work with them to make SPUG as
useful as it has been.

After six years of leading the group, I now look forward to
continuing my participation from my new vantage point in the
audience, and as an occasional speaker. 8-}

| Tim Maher, Ph.D.                    tim(AT)teachmeperl.com | 
| SPUG Leader Emeritus               spug(AT)teachmeperl.com |
| Seattle Perl Users Group        http://www.seattleperl.com |
| SPUG Wiki Site               http://spugwiki.perlocity.org |
| Perl Certification Site      http://perlcert.perlocity.org |

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