SPUG:help with good passwords

Aaron Paul kalistibot at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 19:19:14 CDT 2003

Greetings SPUGsters

I'm trying to design a cgi script which will allow a
visitor/new customer to enter a user name and
password, and this info will be dropped into a file on
my machine to be processed by another script which
will run something like the unix/linux commands
useradd and passwd.

My challenge is that passwd keep strict rules about
what kind of passwords are good (not based on a
dictionary word, at least n characters), and will
error if the password is bad.  I'd like my cgi to use
similar logic and prompt the visitor to try again if
they enter a bad passwd.  Passwd is a C program and
I'm having difficulty locating the source code for my
version (RH linux).  

Are there any perl modules that use this type of
logic?  Can anyone point me to docs or methods for
doing what I'm describing (or is there a better
simpler way?)

Thanks in advance,


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