SPUG:Confused field parser seeks...

Michael R. Wolf MichaelRunningWolf at att.net
Sun Jun 1 04:16:42 CDT 2003

Aaron Paul <kalistibot at yahoo.com> writes:

> Thanks that worked great.  Here's my get_newuid:
> sub get_newuid{
> my @lines;
> my $lastline;
> my $olduid;
> my ($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7);
> open (PASS,  $draft);
> @lines = <PASS>;
> close(PASS);
> $lastline = pop(@lines);
> ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7)=split /:/, $lastline;
> $newuid = ++$f3;
> return $newuid;
> }            
> --- Brian Hatch <spug at ifokr.org> wrote:
>> > my $var="nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin";
>> > 
>> > $var=~ /(.+):(.+):(.+):(.+):(.+):(.+):(.+)/;
>> Any reason you don't just want to use
>> 	($username,$uid,$gid.....) = split /:/, $var;

But be sure to use the third argument to split if you are capturing it
into an array, and there's a possibility of trailing empty fields.

$six  = "one:two:three:four:five:six"
$five = "one:two:three:four:five:"

@six  = split /:/, $six;
@five = split /:/, $five;	# Caution, trailing "empty" field ignored.
@six  = split /:/, $five, -1;   # -1 cures this

The technique presented by previous posters gets around this by
assigning the sixth captured field, or an undef for an uncaptured
field) to the $shell variable.  But watch out if you capture it in an
array and expect that array to have a constant element count.

The way I look at it is simply the difference between data and words.
Use the -1 argument (to signify unlimited) for data, leave it out for

@words = split /\s+/, $line;
@data  = split /:/,   $line, -1;

You want to throw away trailing delimiters when you're looking for
natural language words, but not when you're looking for (possibly
empty) delited data.

Michael R. Wolf
    All mammals learn by playing!
        MichaelRunningWolf at att.net

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