SPUG: search.cpan.org

Asim Jalis asim at pair.com
Thu Aug 21 09:09:18 CDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 11:37:39PM -0700, Tim Maher wrote:
> Can anybody please explain to me the search-language syntax being
> used over at search.cpan.org? One would think that once you've
> selected "search in MODULES ONLY" and typed in
> Select::POSIX::Shell, that it would be smart enough not to split
> the words on the ::'s, and show (irrelevant) matches for each
> component! The FAQ is totally mute on the subject of constructing
> queries, but it appears to me to be an extremely lame system. Am
> I missing something, or is this as feeble as it looks?

I've noticed the same lameness myself. However, the following
search query at Google works well:

site:search.cpan.org Select POSIX Shell

I had to remove :: from the module name because Google uses ":"
for magic purposes.


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