SPUG: How to use database variable in place of other variable

S Bullo sweetsue at sweethomes.com
Thu Mar 14 10:05:29 CST 2002

Ok, so the subject makes little sense.

I have:

%mail = ( To      => '$email',
>From    => 'someemail at someplace.com',
Subject => 'Your $row[10] Mailing Information',
Message => "Some message information"
sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
print "OK. Log says:\n", $Mail::Sendmail::log;

The script this is in also uses DBI to pull out some variables to include
individual emails.  Normally, in the script I use something like:

my $email = "$row[12]";

But this doesn't plug into the $email variable (as the script keeps failing
saying "No recipient").  How do I get the script to recognize the database
variables (which rotate through a whole list)?


Susanne Bullo
Technician - One Site Marketing

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