SPUG: [광고] spug-list님 안녕하십니까?

한채옥 jeeprv21 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 20 14:30:56 CST 2001

대원지프랜드 소식지   ') i++; if (i ') i++; } dest += src.substring(mark, i); if (i >= src.length) break; dest += ''; mark = i; while (i '; wordi++; } el.innerHTML = dest; el.posLeft = 0; el.style.visibility = 'visible'; list[index] = namosw_new_animation_object(el.name+'word1', el.startCondObj, el.startCondTime, el.startXPos, el.startYPos, el.pathType, false, el.zoom, el.stepNum); for (i = 1; i 0) { el.countDown = (0 0 ? -1:1)); cosv = Math.cos(Math.PI*el.step/el.stepNum); newx = ((cosv*(el.sx-x) - sinv*(el.sy-y) + x) + linex) / 2; newy = ((sinv*(el.sx-x) + cosv*(el.sy-y) + y) + liney) / 2; } else if (el.pathType == 'spiral') { sinv = Math.sin(2*Math.PI*el.step/el.stepNum); cosv = Math.cos(2*Math.PI*el.step/el.stepNum); r = (el.stepNum-el.step)/el.stepNum; newx = el.ex + (cosv*(el.sx-el.ex) - sinv*(el.sy-el.ey))*r; newy = el.ey + (sinv*(el.sx-el.ex) + cosv*(el.sy-el.ey))*r; }	if (el.style) { if (el.zoom == 'zoomin') el.style.fontSize = 50+50*el.step/el.stepNum + '%'; else if (el.zoom == 'zoomout') el.style.fontSize = 200-100*el.step/el.stepNum + '%';	} namosw_set_pos(el, newx, newy); namosw_set_visible(el, true); if (el.step++ == el.stepNum) { namosw_set_pos(el, el.ex, el.ey); el.step = 0; el.countDown = -1; // trigger other object(self can be trigger) for (var j = 0; j 0) window.setTimeout("namosw_animate();", 10);}function namosw_init_animation(){ var i = 0; var list = new Array; list[i++] = namosw_new_animation_object('alayer1', null, 0, 'right', 'bottom', 'spiral', false, null, 70); document.NamoAnimationObjects = list; var length = list.length; for (i = 0; i        
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