wish list...

Gareth Noyce Gareth.Noyce at pennantplc.co.uk
Tue Sep 26 02:31:12 CDT 2000

Is anybody else waiting for the O'Reilly "Perl and XML" book?
I think thats a bit of a hole in the Perl coverage.
[Gareth Noyce] 
Hate to be the only monger that's not a perl bigot, but I'd seriously use
Python for any HC XML mangling. Simple stuff in Perl is good (XML::simple),
but I prefer the Python approach. It's closer to the output from parsers
such as nsgmls. All SGML stuff is OO/Tree/Grove based now, and it's a shit
load easier to traverse an object tree in Python IMHO...
But, I'm still waiting for someone to loan me the OO Perl book! ;) 

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