[sf-perl] perlstyle

David Christensen dpchrist at holgerdanske.com
Thu Jul 15 19:01:51 PDT 2021

> On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 1:48 PM David Christensen wrote:

>> 2.  Under "Along the same lines, just because you CAN omit 
>> parentheses ...", what is "num" in the example code?
>> return print reverse sort num values %array;

On 7/15/21 2:33 PM, Miller Hall wrote:

> num in that context is a subroutine meant as a shortcut for numerical
> sorting.
> The more full example is the following
> #!/usr/bin/env perl
> use strict; use warnings;
> sub num { $a <=> $b; }
> my %array = ( a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 );
> sub foo { return print reverse sort num values %array }
> foo();
> You can read about this in the spec for sort 
> https://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sort
> - Miller

Thank you for the reply.  :-)

Looking at the signatures for Perl sort:

     sort SUBNAME LIST
     sort BLOCK LIST
     sort LIST

The way the example is written, "num" would appear to be a Perl built-in
keyword or function, but it is not.  This is confusing.

Perhaps perlstyle(1) should use the Perl sort SUBNAME placeholder:

     return print reverse sort SUBNAME values %array;

Going further in perlstyle(1), the next line of example code adds 
parentheses to the above:

     return print(reverse(sort num (values(%array))));

A reader might ask "why is there no opening parenthesis between 'sort' 
and 'num'?" and "why is there a space between 'num' and the following 
opening parenthesis?".

I thought I understood, but the following console session convinced me 
that I do not.  Thankfully, I rarely use the 'sort SUBNAME LIST' form, 
and must not have attempted parentheses if/when I did so.

Perhaps perlstyle(1) should eliminate the parentheses around LIST:

     return print(reverse(sort SUBNAME values(%array)));

Or, provide more justification for parentheses, to make it clear that a 
list is being passed:

     return print(reverse(sort SUBNAME (values(%array), @more_stuff)));

Finally, %array is a hash.  Perhaps perlstyle(1) should use %hash.

So, I would suggest that the parentheses omission code examples in 
perlstyle(1) be changed to:

     return print reverse sort SUBNAME values %hash;

     return print(reverse(sort SUBNAME values(%hash)));


2021-07-15 18:59:30 dpchrist at dipsy ~/sandbox/perl
$ cat perlstyle-num-2.pl
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

$| = 1;

my %hash = ( a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 );

sub num { $a <=> $b }
my $num = 'num';
my $rc = \#

my @more_stuff = (4, 5);

print "\ncase 1: ";
print reverse sort num values %hash;
# case 1: 321

print "\ncase 2: ";
print reverse sort $num values %hash;
# case 2: 321

print "\ncase 3: ";
print reverse sort $rc values %hash;
# case 3: 321

#print "\ncase 4: ";
#return print reverse sort 'num' values %hash;
# syntax error at perlstyle-num-2.pl line 27, near "'num' values"

#print "\ncase 5: ";
#return print reverse sort \&num values %hash;
# syntax error at perlstyle-num-2.pl line 31, near "&num values"

print "\ncase 6: ";
print(reverse(sort num (values(%hash))));
# case 6: 321

print "\ncase 7: ";
print(reverse(sort(num (values(%hash)))));
# Unquoted string "num" may clash with future reserved word at 
perlstyle-num-2.pl line 39.
# case 7: 321

print "\ncase 8: ";
print(reverse(sort num(values(%hash))));
# case 8: 321

print "\ncase 9: ";
# case 9: Use of uninitialized value $b in numeric comparison (<=>) at 
perlstyle-num-2.pl line 10.
# Use of uninitialized value $a in numeric comparison (<=>) at 
perlstyle-num-2.pl line 10.
# 0

print "\ncase 10: ";
print(reverse(sort num values(%hash)));
# case 10: 321

print "\ncase 11: ";
print(reverse(sort num (values(%hash), @more_stuff)));
# case 11: 54321

print "\n";

2021-07-15 18:59:31 dpchrist at dipsy ~/sandbox/perl
$ perl perlstyle-num-2.pl
Unquoted string "num" may clash with future reserved word at 
perlstyle-num-2.pl line 41.

case 1: 321
case 2: 321
case 3: 321
case 6: 321
case 7: 321
case 8: 321
case 9: Use of uninitialized value $b in numeric comparison (<=>) at 
perlstyle-num-2.pl line 10.
Use of uninitialized value $a in numeric comparison (<=>) at 
perlstyle-num-2.pl line 10.
case 10: 321
case 11: 54321

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