[sf-perl] SF Perl in general

Joseph Brenner doomvox at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 08:45:11 PDT 2019

By the way, if anyone's got any suggestions for meeting topics,
formats, etc, I'd be glad to hear them.

I've heard one suggestion that weekend "the Informal Study Group"
could perhaps alternate between perl5 and perl6...

We haven't been doing the traditional week night talks in part
because it didn't seem like there's a lot of people interested in
speaking-- not that I'm pointing any fingers, I've got a talk
idea myself that I keep postponing.  If anyone's got something
they want to say, I'm sure some of us would like to hear it.  And
as I like to point out, if you're planning on doing a talk at a
conference, an SF Perl meeting is a good place to do a dress

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