[sf-perl] Maybe "Perl5" is just like "OS X"

Fred Moyer fred at redhotpenguin.com
Thu Feb 7 23:43:07 PST 2013

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
<jeff at imaginative-software.com> wrote:
> Perl could do exactly the same thing to construct a marketing version that is both accurate and exciting.  Say we change the "5" to > "V" and use cities of the world rather than cats.

I don't know that the cats on the internet will like it, but it sounds
good to me.

> Imagine: "Perl V Moscow" or "Perl V Sydney".  Only trouble is that "V" still seems tied to "5", more so than "X" does to 10.  But maybe that's just because I'm so used to "5".  Internally, it would still just be 5.whatever.

Something like:

my $num_ver = 5.16
my ($major, $minor) = split(/\./, $num_ver);
my @cities = ( qw( Athens Boston Chicago Damascus Edinburgh ... ) );
my $city = $cities[$minor];

# porting to perl 6 is left as an exercise for the reader
my $market_version = sprintf('Perl V %s', $city);

say "Welcome to '$market_version'!";

Welcome to 'Perl V Paris'!

> Anyway, that's just an idea.  I do like the "cities" idea though -- it gives it a nice global appeal.
> -Jeff
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