[sf-perl] Fwd: [meeting] Poet: A Web Framework for Mason

Joseph Brenner doom at kzsu.stanford.edu
Wed May 23 10:43:16 PDT 2012

Thomas Zehetbauer <thomasz at hostmaster.org> wrote:
> Hi, I just arrived to San Francisco yesterday late in the evening, will stay
> until 6/5, any more sf-perl meetups planned until then?

No, sorry, we usually stick to a montlhly (every-fourth-tuesday)
schedule.  You might keep an eye on the list, though, every now and
then someone announces another gathering of some sort.

I might recommend giving the "SF Nightowls" group a try, for some
generalized geekery:


They're next gathering is on Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM
over at "WeWork Labs",  156 2nd St, San Francisco, CA.  Their usual
deal is you need to RSVP if you want to get there at 8pm (usually
there's food out), but if you show up at 10pm they don't care.
Typically you'll find a bunch of people working on and talking about
various random projects.

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