[sf-perl] [meeting] Pinto; a new way to manage Perl based application dependencies

Fred Moyer fred at redhotpenguin.com
Mon Feb 6 20:12:33 PST 2012

We'll be at Mother Jones this February the 28th at 7pm for our first
official 2012 meeting.

Pinto is a new module dependency manage system for Perl applications.
Version management for Perl modules can pose significant maintenance
costs in larger organizations where you have several layers of
application stacks, from developer to production.  Pinto helps you
take control of the madness and lets you get back to writing code.

Pinto is authored by Jeff Thalhammer, creator of widely acclaimed Perl::Critic.

Pinto on CPAN - http://search.cpan.org/~thaljef/Pinto-0.030...

THALJEF on CPAN - http://search.cpan.org/~thaljef/

RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Perl-Mongers/events/51343902/

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