[San-Diego-pm] Meeting This Week!

Bob Kleemann rkleeman at energoncube.net
Mon Jul 14 14:44:31 PDT 2014

Perl Mongers,

Just a quick reminder that this Thursday, July 17th, we will have our
monthly meeting.  We will meet at our normal place (Ansir Innovation
Center), and our normal time (7PM).  We'll talk about Damian's talk,
regular expressions, and any other topics that a Perl Monger might be
interested in.  If you have anything to contribute (questions, answers,
ideas, or just something interesting), please come and share; if you don't
have anything to contribute, come and participate anyways.

Also, please remember this note from the fine folks at the Ansir Innovation

Please park on either Convoy Street, Engineer Road, or Brinell Street as we
have a small parking lot that we share with other businesses. Avoid parking
in other shopping centers as you may get towed. Look for the green door
marked Suite 210.

I'll look forward to seeing you all on Thursday evening!

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