[San-Diego-pm] Meeting this week and more!

Chris Grau chris at chrisgrau.com
Mon Sep 15 15:56:07 PDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 02:05:26PM -0700, Bob Kleemann wrote:
> This is just your friendly reminder about the monthly meeting which will be
> taking place this Thursday, September 18 at 7PM at the Panera Bread on Mira
> Mesa Blvd next to I-15.  Bring your thoughts, ideas, questions, and answers
> and we'll chat about them.

Hopefully I can make it.

>                             Also, take a gander at the following list so we
> can chat about these:
> http://damian.conway.org/Seminars/
> Yes, that's right, Damian Conway is coming back to San Diego, and is willing
> to give one of his famous talks.  He is recommending "Temporally
> Quaquaversal Virtual Nanomachine Programming In Multiple Topologically
> Connected Quantum-Relativistic Parallel Timespaces...Made Easy!" or "The
> Twilight Perl".  Consider the options and we'll discuss them here and at the
> meeting.

The "...Made Easy" talk was his keynote at OSCON this year.  It's good,
but is more of a humorous talk for general geek audiences.  Of course,
he demonstrates two bits of crazy Perl in the process of entertaining.
I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it.

"The Twilight Perl" is excellent.  It contains a lot of crazy Perl
tricks that could only come from the evil mind of Damian.  However, it's
really just one Perl trick after another, which are fun, but there's no
story, as it were.
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