[San-Diego-pm] Possible special event

Christopher Hahn christopher.hahn at peregrine.com
Thu Jul 21 12:00:40 PDT 2005

This is one that I *will* make!

Dr. Conway is a fun speaker too.  (just look at Acme::Bleach)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Kleemann [mailto:rkleeman at energoncube.net] 
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:42 AM
To: Perl Mongers
Subject: [San-Diego-pm] Possible special event

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A special guest will be visiting our little corner of the world next
month, Damian Conway.  If you don't know who Damian Conway is, he's one
of the most dynamic and inventive minds in the Perl community.

He would like to do a talk for us on either August 15 or 16 (Mon or Tues),
and has given us several topics to choose from.  Please review the
possible discussion topics below and let me know if you'll likely attend
(and which day(s)), and if so, what talk(s) you'd be interested in.

Also, if you know of a good locale for the discussion (someplace with a
projector and can handle a fair number of people), please let me know.

----- Forwarded message from Damian Conway <damian at conway.org> -----

From: Damian Conway
Subject: Perl Mongers: Possible special event

Hi Bob,

I'm going to be in San Diego next month and I was wondering whether your 
local Perl Mongers might be interested in having me give one of my "special 

I'm going to be arriving there on Saturday 13th August and would be 
available to speak on the following Monday or Tuesday evening (15th or

I'd be happy to talk for a couple of hours (it's hard to convince me to talk

for less time than that ;-) on any one of the following topics:

    * Extreme Perl: The Horror That Is SelfGOL

    * Life, The Universe, and Everything

    * Perl 6 Update

    * Lingua::Romana::Perligata: Perl for the XXI-imum century

    * Quantum::Superpositions

    * Sufficiently Advanced Technologies

I can tell you more about any of the talks if you need me to, or help you 
select the one that would best suit your group.

If you think you might be interested, let me know. We'd need to find a venue

with screen projection, and I'd need someone to get me from, and back to, my

hotel that evening.

All the best,


----- End forwarded message -----
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