[San-Diego-pm] Unix shell errors

Norm Knupp knupp at mrms.navy.mil
Fri Feb 25 09:55:51 PST 2005

I'm seeing a number of Unix shell syntax errors in my Apache error_log file
that I can't solve:

sh: Syntax error at line 1 : `(' is not expected.

This line occurs frequently throughout the error_log file, sometimes
back-to-back, sometimes not. I'm running HP-UX 11.11 on an HP J210 work
station (used as a web server).  Apache is v1.3.27 and Perl is 5.8.0.  I'm
not running any pure shell scripts, but I do use the backquoted command
syntax for some things, such as 

$now = `date +"%d-%b-%Y"`;

I've tried to isolate the problem to one or more Perl programs by comparing
the time stamps surrounding the error to when the programs were run, but so
far I haven't found any that duplicates the error on my development system,
which has the same hardware and software as my production system.  My web
application is the most probable source for this since I haven't updated
HP-UX, Perl or Apache in several months and I updated my application on 1
January.  I had seen the syntax errors prior to that, but after the 1st the
occurrences increased dramatically.

Any suggestions?

RMMCO DBA and Webmaster
(619) 556-4998 (DSN 526-4998)
knupp at mrms.navy.mil

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