[San-Diego-pm] Perl Book Data

Joel Fentin joel at fentin.com
Wed Oct 20 19:39:45 CDT 2004

Allen Gilson wrote:

> Joel,
> About your concern expressed at last night's meeting on the popularity 
> of Perl.

We can't get a quarum at the San Diego Perlmonger meetings. Dozens of 
people go to the local VB meetings. The Perl Journal can't stay afloat. 
Not so with the VB organs. On a more personal level I am hearing my 
clients lamenting the fact that I am not into PhP and won't get into it. 
They insist PhP's star is rising while Perl has stalled.

Those are some of the reasons I raise the issue. I have no opinion about 
this - and - I have no opinion about that.
> Learning Perl is our bestseller.  I can tell you that Perl is most popular
> at Qualcomm....

This came as a surprize to me. The VB group held it's meetings at 
Qualcomm/Ericson for years. I presumed them to be a M$ house.
Joel Fentin    tel: 760-749-8863    FAX: 760-749-8864
Contact me:    http://fentin.com/me/ContactMe.html
Biz:           http://fentin.com
Personal:      http://fentin.com/me/

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