[San-Diego-pm] Displaying tags instead of executing them

Chris Radcliff chris_radcliff at mac.com
Thu Oct 14 12:33:15 CDT 2004

The simplest (if not most correct) thing to do is replace all 
occurrences of < with &lt;, like so:

$line =~ s/</&lt;/s;

That will make all the HTML tags inactive but still render them 


On Oct 14, 2004, at 8:26 AM, Joel Fentin wrote:

> I am working on a project which examines a number of files and 
> displays a line from each file in a table in the browser. If the line 
> from the file has an html tag, it gets executed rather than displayed.
> The only way around it that I have discovered is to replace <tag> with 
> «tag». Is there something better?

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