RE question

Chris Radcliff chris_radcliff at
Fri May 14 12:13:46 CDT 2004

Hi Ken,

Regular expressions take time and practice. Hang in there. This may do 
the trick:

$FORM{'subject'} =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9.]//g;

Basically, "replace (s///) all (g) characters ([]) in $FORM{'subject'} 
(=~) that aren't (^) A-Za-z0-9. with nothing."

I'm not sure if there's an advantage to using tr/// character 
translation in this case. I tend to default to regex in case the 
pattern needs to get more complex down the road.


On May 14, 2004, at 9:31 AM, Ken Loomis wrote:
> As a web designer that enjoys programming, I joined this group a few 
> years ago hoping to become proficient at PERL (or, is it Perl). I have 
> learned a lot from looking at the exchanges here, but have to admit 
> that RE's still baffle me.
> I host a discussion board that is apparently being Spam'ed by hackers. 
> The board is in Perl and I would like an RE that will strip everything 
> except alphanumeric characters from the subject. For example, the 
> subject line should only contain A-Z, a-z & 0-9.
> The subject line is contained in $FORM('subject'), so I'd like an RE 
> that will replace the contents of that variable with the stripped 
> version. also, I may decide to allow periods ('.'), and would like to 
> see how I'd have to modify that RE to allow that.
> If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.


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